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2009 Study Guide

Joel Goldsmith describes the many ways that if followed, will lead to the kingdom of heaven within each of us. Among these are meditation — which is the actual contact with the spirit within — the discipline of body and mind, the purpose of prayer, forgiveness, the one Self and the impersonalization of good and evil. These are but a few of the clear instructions that are presented in this book. (The 1977 Letters)

The trustees of the Valor Foundation have chosen the Infinite Way Letters of 1977, The Art of Spiritual Living, for the 2009 Study Guide. This is the seventh of the new eleven book series made up of The 1971-1981 Infinite Way Letters, prepared and edited by Lorraine Sinkler, from Joel S. Goldsmith’s tape recorded classwork. They are fine-quality soft cover books which include Scriptural References and Notes, as well as a listing of the recorded classes corresponding to each chapter of the book. In this way students can work with the cassettes or CDs along with each monthly letter. The Valor Website also provides suggestions for using Lorraine’s class work with each month’s study.

"God, Spirit, cannot be added to a material consciousness. For this reason, the Master made it clear that spiritual living and spiritual harmony can be brought into our experience only by dying to our human selfhood and being reborn into spiritual consciousness." (The 1977 Letters)

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"The Ministry Within"
The Art of Spiritual Living, Chapter 1
The 1977 Auckland, New Zealand Class
Tape 1; Side 1; Catalog No. 7701 — Purpose and Fruitage of Meditation  


"Remolding Consciousness"
The Art of Spiritual Living, Chapter 2

The 1982 Chicago Closed Class
Tape 4; Side 1; Catalog No. 8204 — Establishing a Consciousness of


"The Peace-Be-Still of Spiritual Authority"
The Art of Spiritual Living, Chapter 3

World Work Classes, Chicago 1966-1968
Tape 2; Side 2; Catalog No. 6602 — In Stillness and Silence


"The Hidden Kingdom"
The Art of Spiritual Living, Chapter 4

The 1977 Palm Beach Class
Tape 2; Side 2; Catalog No. 7717 — Living Out From The Invisible


"The New Dispensation of Prayer"
The Art of Spiritual Living, Chapter 5

The 1979 Palm Beach Class
Tape 1; Side 2; Catalog No. 7904 — The Effectual Prayer of A Righteous


"Demands of the Spiritual Life"
The Art of Spiritual Living, Chapter 6

The 1984 Denver World Work Conference
Tape 2; Side 2; Catalog No. 8402 — Called To a Divine Purpose


"Consciously Knowing the Truth"
The Art of Spiritual Living, Chapter 7

The 1981 Pasadena Closed Class
Tape 2; Side 2; Catalog No. 8110 — Awakening to the Non-Power of


"The Fruitage of Knowing God Aright"
The Art of Spiritual Living, Chapter 8

The 1977 Sydney, Australia Class
Tape 3; Side 2; Catalog No. 7705 — Consciousness Unfolding as Supply and


"The Consciousness of the Individual"
The Art of Spiritual Healing, Chapter 9
The 1979 Palm Beach Class
Tape 4; Side 2; Catalog No. 7907 — Abiding in I AM-NESS


"The Invisible"
The Art of Spiritual Healing, Chapter 10

The 1977 Atlanta Class
Tape 1; Side 1; Catalog No. 7714 — I Fulfilling Itself as You


"Impersonalizing the Visible"
The Art of Spiritual Healing, Chapter 11

The 1976 Palm Beach Class Tape 4; Side 1; Catalog No. 7604 — The
Mystical Consciousness and Impersonalization


"Christ Ascended"
The Art of Spiritual Healing, Chapter 12

The 1976 Palm Beach Class
Tape 2; Side 2; Catalog No. 7602 — Rising Above “This World”